Tuesday 25 June 2013

Topic1 information system model Big 6

      In this week one of information literacy we have learnt many things, such as the introduction of the subject, the purpose and so on, but the most interesting important  we learnt about was about the Big 6. Before going deep in that subject we learnt about some model information literacy as the Alberta model, Pitts research model, seven pillars model, action learning model and the big 6.   
        the big six is a stage process to help any one solve problems or make decisions by using information. the big six  is a transformation process in which the learner needs to find, understand ,evaluate and use information in various forms to create for personal social and global purposes.( www.noodletools.com).
       Some key concepts:
1. The Big Six can be applied in any subject with students of all ages and across all grade levels.
2. The Big Six approach is adaptable and can be applied to any information problem.3. Technology integration is enhanced by the Big Six process.4. The Big Six process is "necessary and sufficient" for solving problems and completing information tasks.5. The Big Six is nonlinear.6. The Big Six is an information literacy TOOL, not an add-on!
The Big Six is used whenever a teacher requires students to do the following: 
1-The task definition:    Define the problem, identify the requirements that is called the task definition.
2-Seeking strategies :    Determine range sources, prioritize sources that is seeking strategies.
3-Location and access: locate sources collect info
4-Use of information: Engage,view, touch and extract information
5-Synthesis : it organize and present.
6-Evaluation :judge the product and the process evaluation.

listen to a lecture or watch a video
conduct an experiment
read from a textbook
complete a worksheet
make a project
take a test

select a topic and do homework.write a response, journal entry, essay, report, or story...pretty much anything we have students do involves information, and thus the Big Six!
                    the information literacy process model :
In the end of my conclusion the big 6 a stage process to help any one solve problems or make decisions by using information and it can help people to solve many problems 

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